LeadWest is asking for State and Federal Government commitment to the full Outer Metropolitan Ring (OMR) including freight rail, passenger rail and an eight-lane freeway.
The OMR is the north-south connection from the Hume Freeway to Werribee and onto the south west regions of Victoria. It will create better connections between key international transport hubs such as Melbourne Airport, Avalon Airport, the Port of Geelong and the proposed Beveridge Intermodal Freight Terminal and Western Intermodal Freight Terminal.
A funding commitment for the OMR is critical and timely, as it will deliver additional road capacity to the Western Ring Road and will also provide a fast passenger rail connection between regional centres, growth areas and the Melbourne Airport, and a critical freight rail north-south connection, from the Commonwealth Inland Rail project directly to 50 percent of all freight customers that already operate in the West.
